Welcome back – We have missed you!

It has always been our priority to safeguard the health of our guests and our team so it is paramount to us that we follow the government guidelines and recommendations.

Please take the time to read through below which will hopefully answer any questions you may have regarding our new salon protocols regarding booking appointments and visiting Queen B.

Feeling unwell or having a raised temperature

In order to protect everyone within the salon, we are asking all staff and clients to please stay at home if you are showing any signs of being unwell. We would rather cancel your appointment than take the risk that you may have the virus that could be passed on to others.

  1. Have you had the recent onset of a new continuous cough?
  2. Do you have a high temperature?
  3. Have you noticed a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, it is essential that you notify us as soon as possible so we can reschedule your appointment.

What to expect at your salon visit?

We are working hard to provide a safe environment for all and we ask for the following to be adhered to;

Please bring as few personal items or bags with you as possible.
Whatever you bring with you must stay with you for the duration of your visit.

Please do not bring children or other guests with you unless they are having a service with a team member.  They will need to remain outside until their allotted appointment and leave as soon as their appointment is concluded.

Please do not bring any pets with you.

Arrive promptly at your scheduled time. The waiting area will not be in full use for the time being.

If a guest is at reception when you arrive, we kindly ask you to wait outside until they have vacated the reception area, we will do our best to ensure previous guests have left before your visit.

We will ask you to wash your hands upon entry, however, hand sanitiser will be available at reception should the sink be in use.

Please ensure you are wearing a mask when you enter the salon and for the duration of your visit. Disposable masks are available to purchase should you forget yours.

Where possible we will be respecting social distancing rules in the salon.

All team members will be wearing the correct PPE for the duration of your service and if they are moving around the salon or on cleaning duties.

Following government guidelines, the salon windows may need to remain open to assist ventilation.

If you need to purchase any products on the day of your service, please ask your therapist at the start of your appointment.
This will allow a member of the team to collect them, sanitise, bag them, and deliver them to the reception area for you to collect when paying.

Should you be having normal polish with your manicures and pedicures, we may not be able to allow you to remain in the salon to dry after your service due to social distancing regulations and remind you to bring flip flops (Not sliders) if having a pedicure to avoid smudging.

We now require 48 hours notice for all appointment cancellations/rescheduling of appointments.


We will still be allowing cash payments however will prefer for you to pay by card where possible.
Payments can also be made over the telephone.

Food & Drink

Currently, we will not be serving hot drinks however water will be available.
We do advise you to bring your own bottled beverages and ask that you dispose of them after your visit.
Please do not bring any food into the salon, should you be enjoying a full/half day at the salon and wish to book a break to enjoy some lunch locally, please let us know at the time of booking.

It is our mission to maintain a safe environment for all however we can only achieve this if everyone follows the government guidelines.

As ever a visit to Queen B is an experience and we will maintain our mission to deliver this throughout these unprecedented times.

Thank you for choosing Queen B.

Manicures at Queen B Croydon
pedicures at Queen B Croydon
Murad facials at Queen B London
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