Shaving Versus Waxing – What is the difference?
Since we launched our beauty space in 2019 we have been inundated with guests asking the difference between shaving versus waxing.
Some are super-religious to the art of the blade and have never tried waxing because someone once told them it’s painful. Our response is always the same, do you want to save time, money and have gorgeous skin?
If the answer is yes, this blog may just open you up to a new world of hair removal and dispel any rumours you may have heard.
The big shaving versus waxing debate is here.
What is waxing hair removal?
Waxing is a wonderful process that removes hair from the root by using a naturally sticky wax that adheres to body hair.
When the wax is removed it pulls out all the hair from the follicle, leaving baby-smooth soft skin.
Ouch! You may scream! That must be painful and uncomfortable.
Luckily with new scientific developments and lots of research, waxing has become a lot more painless than it used to be.
Using this process, hair will eventually grow back after about four to six weeks and any area of the body can be waxed (Although we do not recommend using wax for hair removal on beards).
Read on to understand more about shaving versus waxing.
What’s the difference between waxing and shaving?
Firstly, there are no razor burns – you know, the painful and itchy sensation you get after shaving?
Those razor burns also look very ugly, especially when they are sore and red.
Imagine how they look when you are wearing a bikini on the beach or a tank top, definitely not the thing to do when you want to raise your hands up in the air!
Yes, when you wax your bikini line or under your arms, you don’t get the dreaded razor burn.
Yay, no more razor burns, what else is so great about waxing?
So imagine the scene, it’s the middle of summer and leading the hectic lifestyle that you do, you have not had time to shave your legs – total wardrobe rethink!
Yes, waxing saves time, it doesn’t matter how busy you are, as long as you have booked your regular appointment,
you will never have to worry about wardrobe malfunctions ever again.
Soft, smooth legs all the time.
No more shaving your legs every day to avoid the obvious, stubbly growth that appears out of no-where.
Will my hair grow back thicker when I wax?
Quite the opposite, in fact, repeatedly waxing the same area of your body reduces hair growth.
The reason this happens is waxing damages the hair papilla as it is responsible for supplying nutrients to the hair to make it grow. Without the nutrients, hair cannot grow!
When you shave, re-growth is prickly and stubbly and bloody uncomfortable too. The process of shaving cuts off the hair from the skin, leaving a blunt tip.
When you wax, you remove the hair from the root, so when it grows back the new hair is soft.

How does waxing save me time and money?
So think of all the razors you have purchased, the shaving creams and the plasters.
With waxing, you will save a fortune from not having to buy razors and shaving creams.
Not only do the razors blunt quickly, they are expensive to replace. And then there’s the plasters from all the razor nicks.
Your average wax appointment will take about 20-30 minutes, the results last much longer and your soft silkier skin will look amazing!
To add even more sugar on the cake, all of our waxing therapists have plenty of experience and knowledge so you can be guaranteed a first class service.
What wax do you use at Queen B?
All wax treatments at Queen B Luxury Nail & Beauty Lounge are performed using Perron Rigot.
An innovator when it comes to waxing with over 80 years of experience.
Perfect for intimate waxing. Perfect for waxing treatments for men and women.
Your experienced therapist will help you to relax and discuss with you every step of the treatment.
This is your time to relax and enjoy your experience.
Practically pain free, making your visit an experience rather than just a chore. Find out why waxing at Queen is so popular.

But won’t everyone hear me scream?
Screaming and pain are often associated with waxing, when waxing is performed incorrectly, there will be a lot of discomfort, however, our therapists are highly experienced, knowledgeable and fully qualified.
We also maintain the strictest hygiene protocols too so you will be in good hands.
If this is your first wax, please do let us know so we can reassure you every step of the way.
Just in case you like to shout out obscenities, our treatment rooms have been created to be as soundproof as possible.
All 3 rooms are also very private and very luxurious too. Each room is equipped with an electronically raised bed.
These are also perfect for those of you who have difficulty climbing onto a bed and especially if you are heavily pregnant.
The beds are also heated in winter to make your experience the best it can be.
How long does a wax last?
Results from waxing usually last up to a month while shaving must be done on a daily basis.
Hair still grows back during this time period but it grows back finer and softer compared to when shaving.
Hair has to grow back again in order for you to wax again, but the hair is less noticeable and doesn’t require you to shave it.
Can you wax eyebrows too? I’ve always plucked them
Yes, you can wax pretty much everywhere and eyebrow waxing is super popular.
It takes minutes to do and is very precise, your therapist will also pluck out a few stragglers if required.
Plucking, when done by a trained professional can be super accurate.
The only risk with constant plucking is overdoing it. Eyebrow hairs don’t always grow back.
It is crucial not to over-pluck or you may risk damaging or losing your eyebrow follicles for good.
What is threading?
Threading is very different to waxing.
It removes hair in numerous directions and because of this it can be difficult to remove hairs accurately.
Ultimately this has a negative effect on the hair follicle and the skin that surrounds it.
This can tear the follicle if hair is removed.
Sometimes the hair is not removed, it may just be broken from the surface of the skin.
Hence the pain!
Worse still, if the hair is broken at the skin, it can grow back in different directions and it will also grow back faster.
If it is fully removed, it could be like laser, permanent. Not really the look you want for your brows…Or is it?
What Our Guests Say
When is the best time to wax? Read our blog
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