How Often Do I Need A Pedicure? Winter Footcare Tips

How Often Do I Need A Pedicure? Winter Footcare Tips

As the winter weather settles in, you might assume that the demand for pedicures would slow down. After all, our toes are bundled up in socks, hidden from sight.
However, the first Saturday in January at Queen B told a different story.
Despite the bitter cold outside, every pedicure chair was occupied, and our team was hard at work, pampering feet and transforming a chilly day into one filled with warmth, pampering, and radiant smiles.

Pedicures at Queen B

A pedicure at Queen B is an experience very different to your normal salon pedicure. It’s a monthly ritual that has our guests traveling from across London, seeking not just a change in nail polish but an entire rejuvenation for their feet.
The misconception that pedicures are reserved for Summer is challenged here, as our approach goes beyond the aesthetic look to offer tailored treatments that address individual needs.

In our conversations with guests, especially those who never pedi in the the winter, they often ask “how often do I need a pedicure?” A common misconception we hear is that pedicures are only for those whose feet are regularly on display.
At Queen B, we educate that all feet deserve care, it’s part of your self- care routine, irrespective of the season.

Understanding that feet are as diverse as the people they carry, our pedicures are designed to address individual needs, whether combating hard skin or soothing the effects of increased friction leading to calluses.
The goal is not all about how your toes look, more importantly it’s about the health and well-being of your feet.

Another misconception is that pedicures are for women only, this is also a false fact and we are humbled to welcome many men into the salon for their monthly feet treats. Find out about our men’s pedicure treatments here

Protecting Your Nails in Winter

Leaving the remnants of your summer nail polish well into winter isn’t just about enduring chilly toes.
It can lead to the development of keratin granulations—white patches that result from nail cells being removed due to excessive dehydration. To avoid this, we recommend regular and gel polish to be removed every 3 to 4 weeks, not 3 or 4 months.
Over time this can cause severe damage, leading to a dry nail surface that becomes a breeding ground for fungus.
Our advice is straightforward – remove polish regularly and hydrate your nails daily using cuticle oil for healthy, fungus-free nails.

Our commitment goes beyond pampering; it extends to education, ensuring that your feet stay healthy, happy, and ready to step into any season with confidence.

Keratin Granulations

So if you are asking how often do I need a pedicure? Read on to find out!
Everyone is different of course, and some people produce more hard skin than others or indulge in activities that create a lot of friction which produces calluses. But then the bigger question is how much do you take care of your feet and is it part of your self-care regime?

Beyond Pampering: A Commitment to Education

We receive so many requests for help where people have visited another salon and the therapist has used dirty tools or removed too much hard skin or worse, over filed nails and caused so much trauma to the nail that its practically removed itself from the toe.
Over the past 7 and a bit years, we have treated thousands of men and women’s feet, all of our pedicures are results driven and luxurious, but most of all hygienic.

Enhancing Hygiene Standards:
At Queen B, we pride ourselves on maintaining the highest standards of hygiene, ensuring your safety and well-being throughout your pampering experience. Here’s a closer look at our rigorous hygiene practices:

Impeccably Clean Pedicure Sinks
Our pedicure sinks are jet-less and free from overflows. Why does this matter? Because this choice significantly minimises harbouring of bacteria. After each treatment, we take the extra step to thoroughly scrub, clean, sterilise, and disinfect the sinks.
We go beyond the basics, using hospital-grade disinfectant to ensure a level of cleanliness that exceeds industry standards.

Transparency with Metal Tools
Transparency is key in our hygiene practices. When it comes to metal tools, we take extra care to guarantee their cleanliness and safety.
Every metal tool used during your treatment is opened right in front of you, from a sealed bag. This not only ensures their sterility but also provides you with the assurance that your tools have not been exposed to any potential contaminants.
These tools are sterilised in a hospital-grade autoclave, not left in a dirty jar of Barbacide that will get changed at the end of the day.

Single-Use Policy for Nail Files
Nail files, orange wood sticks, buffers, and other disposable items are strictly single-use only. This policy aligns with our commitment to hygiene.
But here’s an extra touch – you have the option to take these items home with you if not, they are safely disposed of, eliminating any chance of reuse.
This not only emphasises our dedication to cleanliness but also gives you control over your post-pedicure care.

Our hygiene practices aren’t just about meeting industry standards; we go above and beyond them.
We believe that your well-being is paramount, and each step we take reflects our commitment to providing an environment where you can indulge in a luxurious pedicure experience without any worry.

Hard Skin Removal
We do not use cheese graters or blades for our callus treatments either, instead we use a fruit enzyme treatment that gently breaks down the callus and then disposable foot files to remove the hard skin, with no pain, no abrasions and totally hygienic.
We also will refuse a service if you have any foot infections or open wounds, and while sometimes refusals can disappoint, it is our responsibility to provide a safe, hygienic environment.
Read our blog all about hard skin removal, the right way

Looking After Your Feet At Home

Taking care of your feet at home is a crucial aspect of maintaining overall health and well-being.
Our feet bear the weight of our bodies and endure various stresses daily, making it essential to incorporate a regular foot care routine.

Here are some simple yet effective tips for looking after your feet at home and ensuring they stay in optimal condition.

Regular Cleaning and Inspection
Begin by thoroughly cleaning your feet daily, especially between the toes.
After washing, make it a habit to inspect your feet for any cuts, blisters, or changes in skin colour. Early detection of issues allows for timely intervention.

Drying your feet properly with a clean towel is essential, standing on a towel and only drying down to your ankles, isn’t enough.
Making sure the space between your toes is dry and there is no debris or dirt stuck down there.
This is super important as bacteria loves a warm and moist environment and can create fungal or bacterial infections on your feet.

Moisturising and Hydration
Keep your feet well-hydrated by applying a good quality moisturiser, particularly to the heels and soles.
Dry skin can lead to cracks and discomfort, so choose a foot cream with ingredients like shea butter or urea to promote hydration. We love the Cuccio and Famous Names products.

Pedicure Socks
We love Pedi-Sox pedicure socks because not only are they toe-less so your nail polish doesnt get smudged, they also keep your skin moisturised and soft. Don’t just wear them when you have a pedicure though, pop them on after you have moisturised your feet of an evening.

Proper Nail Care
If you are going to look after your toes at home, make sure you trim your toenails regularly, cutting straight across to prevent ingrown nails. Avoid cutting too close to the skin to reduce the risk of infections. File the edges gently to smooth any roughness.

Nail Hydration
Always use cuticle oil to ensure your nails are hydrated and nourished. We love the award winning Dadi’Oil

So if you find yourself asking how often do I need a pedicure? Hopefully this blog has answered that for you!

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